Wilkie Creek

Mining operations at the Wilkie Creek project recommenced in early 2023. The site is located outside of Dalby, approximately 250km west of Brisbane.

The mine has been on care and maintenance since 2014. It was purchased by NWE in July 2021.

The project is currently employing approximately 300 fulltime staff and contractors whilst capital works are completed over the coming months. Once in full production the site will employ up to 350 full time employees.

Corvus Coal

The Corvus Coal project is located approximately 17kms north of Emerald. Corvus Coal Pty Ltd holds Exploration Permits EPC 980, EPC 1267, EPC 1226 and EPC 2841. The existing Emerald – Clermont rail line (Blair Athol Branch Railway) traverses the EPC area as does the Gregory Highway, one of the region’s major highways.

Neighbouring mines include Kestrel and Crinum

It is proposed that the project will extract up to 7Mtpa of run of mine coal with saleable production of 4.5Mtpa coking coal and 1Mtpa of thermal coal over a projected life of 20 to 30 years depending on production levels. Coal will be mined via underground longwall methods.

The project requires further geological and environmental work to facilitate both a bankable feasibility study and the necessary approvals to commence mining operations.

Metallurgical coal is essential to the production of steel by traditional blast furnace technology.

Global demand for steel is strong with significant production capacity planned around the globe.

A renewable future

We are planning two key areas of renewable energy on the Wilkie Creek site:
• Solar
• Wind
The first development is planned for Wilkie Creek (solar).

We have completed the initial planning and prefeasibility work in relation to solar and wind projects and are rapidly moving to complete a bankable feasibility and fund raising.